Wednesday, November 4, 2009

He's Everything to Me

That was the title of our first album. There were no CD's - we recorded on tape and then the master was used to duplicate 331/3 albums. They looked like giant CD's - 12" across and you could play about 6 songs on each side. The tiny holes in the center, let you place it over a tall spindle and the record would rotate while a needle would pick up the sound from the grooves in the album. You had to have a stereo to play them.

Always Remember!
This blog is an attempt to gather in memories of the Go Choir from family, friends and former choir members.

Look Up!
Please send in your pictures and tell us your stories via the comments section below. You can send your pictures to me and I will get them on the site.

Calling all Go Choir members .... where are you? Give us an update of your whereabouts and details about your life and your family. Inquiring minds want to know. And we'll be Shouting Glory! when you do.